This post is simply a way to complement my Portfolio and give potential clients a sample of my work.
Translation Portuguese to English - INESC
1. Position Paper
Source PTBR
Acordos de Livre Comércio Inter-Regionais - Documento de posição - "Análise da cláusula ambiental nos acordos de livre comércio entre Mercosul e UE e Mercosul e EFTA" - Adhemar S. Mineiro. Target EN
Interregional Free Trade Agreements - Position Paper - "Analysis of the environmental clause in the free trade agreements between Mercosur and the EU and Mercosur and EFTA" - by Adhemar S. Mineiro.
2. Policy Brief
Source PTBR
Target EN
3. Proofreading PTBR - Technical Report
Source PTBR
Translation English to Portuguese - OneWater (former Water Science Policy)
4. Articles about technology and water management
Source PTBR
Target EN
Source PTBR
A América do Sul e o princípio da utilização equitativa e razoável dos cursos de água internacionais
Target EN
Source PTBR
Target EN
Source PTBR
Target EN